Learn Deep Breathing Techniques and be more confident while fighting a war with the current pandemic situation

Taking deep breaths can help you voluntarily regulate your ANS, which can have many benefits — especially by lowering your heart rate, regulating blood pressure, and helping you relax, all of which help decrease how much of the stress hormone cortisol is released into your body.

Being stressed results in many hazardous ways, such as increased heart rate, fast breathing, and high blood pressure, all decrease as you breathe deeply to relax. The way you breathe affects your whole body. There are many breathing techniques for musicians which they can learn to control the breath while hitting those high notes. Apart from some regular breathing exercises for musiciansas advised by the consultant, you can also order a lung training device too.

Breathing exercises are a good way to relax, reduce tension, and relieve stress and a breathing training device can prove to be of much help.

Deep breathing should be slow and gentle. Remember to fill the abdomen, not just the chest. A simple way to make sure you are doing this is to place one hand on your stomach and one on your chest. Breathe deeply and make sure your hand on your stomach is rising. Always try to be receptive of your breath, heartbeat and to release stress and toxins from your body. Sometimes it’s easier to lie down or sit comfortably in a chair.

LungTrainer Model: "LT Companion" - Lung Trainers

Here is a simple breathing exercise that can be incorporated into your daily routine:

Breathe in calmly, through the nose, filling your abdomen and chest, for 5 seconds (or longer, not exceeding 7 seconds). Hold this breath in for 3 seconds. Gradually and smoothly exhale through the mouth for 5 seconds (or more, whatever is comfortable). Breathe out through a slightly open lip or “O” shaped lips. Repeat this exercise 5 times at least.

Here are a few benefits to deep breathing:

·         Decreases stress, Increases calm


When a human mind is stressed or anxious, brain releases cortisol, the “stress hormone.” Once you take deep breaths, heart rate decreases, more oxygen enters our blood vessels and conclusivelyconfer with the brain to calm down. Deep breathing also raise the level of Endorphin, the “feel good” hormone.


·         Relieves pain

·         Stimulates the lymphatic system (Detoxifies the body)


Breathing releases carbon monoxide, which is vital to release completely. Indeed, breathing is in charge of 70% of cleansing the body toxins (the other 30% is through bladder and bowels.) If you do not breathe fully as we do in deep breathing, your body must work for more time than usual to release these toxins.


·         Improves immunity


You must be desperate now for enhanced immunity ever than before. As this Covid-19 pandemic requires you to be fully immune and deep breathing can definitely help you to get immune yourself from viruses. When your blood is fully oxygenated, it carries and absorbs nutrients and vitamins more efficiently. Essentially, the cleaner the blood, the harder it is for virus to stay put in your system.


·         Increases energy

·         Lowers blood pressure

·         Improves digestion

·         Helps support correct posture


So what are you waiting for? Take a deep breath in… And out!


For more info : - breath trainer


  1. I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Health Home, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Health Home via their email at ultimatehealthhome@gmail.com . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!


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